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Purchase order search of the left sidebar

To find purchase orders quickly and easily, you can enter many types of information in the search box of the left sidebar.

When you use the Financial primary tab to show purchase orders, the search box of the left sidebar shows a set of tabs:
The tabs of the interface for purchase order search
This table gives each tab and the search results that it shows:
TabSearch results
U/AShows unapproved purchase orders.
AShows approved purchase orders.
SShows purchase orders that are correctly sent to a supplier.
N/SShows approved purchase orders that are not sent to suppliers. For example, if you approve a purchase order but do not email or fax it to a supplier from ezyVet, it shows in the N/S tab.
PRShows purchase orders that have some quantity of the applicable inventory received.
RShows purchase orders that have the full quantity of the applicable inventory received.
Note: When a purchase order shows in the R tab, it does not have a related receive invoice.
CShows purchase orders that are fully received.
AllShows all records.
I/AShows disabled records.