Release notes: ezyVet version 38.2
Read about changes in ezyVet version 38.2.
Small color adjustments for some user interface screens, buttons, and settings.
Small design changes for record tabs.
- Increased font size
- A different design for sidebar tabs
- A different design for the arrows at the bottom of the sidebar that you use to show more records
- Removed the Notes column from diagnostic results
- Changed the Show button name to Show More
- Show the initial text of a diagnostic result before the Show More button to help you easily know that the result has more information
- No Status
- Unconfirmed
- Confirmed
- In Waiting Room
- In Consultation
- In Procedure
- Admit for Surgery
- In Hospital
- In Discharge
- Departed
- Complete
- In Transit
- Awaiting Collect
- Interim Report
- Referral Done
If you change the unit of measurement for a patient weight in a clinical record, ezyVet changes the unit of measurement in the related patient record.
Student verification system: ezyVet does not show an unknown error has occurred message when you try to approve a task.
Images in areas of ezyVet that include patient records show the correct orientation.
The Product Pricing report completes correctly and does not cause an unknown error has occurred message.
RocketPACS integration: Diagnostic results show images correctly.
If you select the requisition form button of a diagnostic request, ezyVet shows the form correctly.
Increased the button dimensions of Communication Methods sections.
Changed the color of the New Document tab from red to blue.
IDEXX VetLab Station integration: When you select SAVE in the integration settings, ezyVet correctly saves the settings.
ezyVet shows images correctly in patient records, payment methods, and other screens.
- The RVM – Prescriptions dashboard tab
- The RVM - Medications tab of contact records
Corrected a problem that invoice billing triggers for an approved invoice to stay in the Pending status.
- HTML formatting characters
- Show More text and Show Less text
eReferrals dashboard tab: If you use the Pending Referrals section to make a patient record or contact record, ezyVet makes the record correctly. As a result of this fix, ezyVet does not incorrectly replace patient records or contact records.
If you set the Exclude Zero Invoices From Statements system setting to No, printed statements include invoices that have a zero dollar total.
- ezyVet clears settings and removes values from the first time that you used the dashboard tab
- ezyVet only makes adjustments for settings that you make and values that you enter
Clinical records show RVM information only for the correct patient.
If you use the Records dashboard tab to adjust product settings, ezyVet does not incorrectly adjust medication settings or refill settings.
Antech integration: After you select UPDATE DIAGNOSTIC LIST, ezyVet gets information from the diagnostics supplier correctly.
Fixes to help make sure that automatic tasks complete correctly.
Verification emails for the e-booking system: Corrected a problem that could possibly give one client access to the email address of a different client.