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Configure the SVS Veterinary Supplies integration

  • Make sure that you have the necessary permissions to configure ezyVet integrations
  • Make sure that you have the necessary username and password
    Note: SVS Veterinary Supplies customer support gives the username and password. If it is necessary to get this information, send an email to info@svs.co.nz and include:
    • The name of your organization
    • The SVS Veterinary Supplies account code of your organization
To configure the integration, do this procedure.
  1. Select Admin.
    The Admin tab
  2. In the settings list, select Integration.
    The Integration setting in the settings list
    ezyVet shows a New Integration Setting screen.
  3. In the Integration box, select SVS Veterinary Supplies.
    Select the SVS Veterinary Supplies integration
  4. In the Supplier box, select the applicable supplier contact record.
  5. If the ezyVet site uses a department configuration, use the For Division box to select an applicable department.
    Note: If your site does not use a department configuration, ezyVet does not show the For Division box.
  6. In the Username box and Password box, enter the username and password that you have from SVS Veterinary Supplies customer support.
    The Username box and Password box
  7. Select Save.
    The Save button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:

  8. In the Auto-update section, select the applicable settings.
    The settings of the Auto-update section
  9. Select Validate Account.
    The Validate Account button
    If the configuration is correct, ezyVet shows a confirmation message:
    A confirmation message
ezyVet has a configured SVS Veterinary Supplies integration.