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Send a diagnostic imaging request to ITX Cloud PACS

To use ITX Cloud PACS to do diagnostic imaging, you must send a diagnostic imaging request.

  • Make sure that your site has a configured integration for ITX Cloud PACS
  • Make sure that your site has the necessary records for the diagnostic imaging types
To send a diagnostic imaging request, do this procedure.
  1. Select Clinical.
    The Clinical tab
    The left sidebar shows clinical records of your ezyVet site.
  2. In the left sidebar, find and select the applicable clinical record.
    ezyVet shows settings and information of the clinical record.
  3. Select Diagnostics and Treatments.
    The Diagnostics and Treatments button
    Trouble: If ezyVet does not show the Diagnostics and Treatments button, select View By Group:
    The View By Group button
  4. Adjacent to Diagnostic Request, select the plus button.
    The plus button that is adjacent to Diagnostic Request
    ezyVet shows a New Diagnostic Request dialog box.
  5. In the Vet box, select the applicable veterinarian.
    The Vet box
  6. In the Diagnostic Supplier box, select the applicable supplier contact record of the integration.
    The Diagnostic Supplier box
  7. In the Diagnostics boxes, select the diagnostic imaging type that you want.
    The Diagnostics boxes
  8. Make the remaining settings as necessary.
  9. Select Add.
    The Add button
    ezyVet shows a confirmation message:

ezyVet sends the diagnostic imaging request to ITX Cloud PACS. ezyVet shows the diagnostic imaging request in the Diagnostic Request section:
The Diagnostic Request section