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About the Virtual Vet Nurse integration

The Virtual Vet Nurse integration gives access to Virtual Vet Nurse features with ezyVet. Virtual Vet Nurse decreases the manual work necessary to make patient appointments and to do many other workflows (for example, reminders for annual health checks or post-appointment feedback).

The Virtual Vet Nurse integration uses a bot. The bot is an app that shows in a small window in your organization’s website. If a client wants to make an appointment, they can enter the applicable appointment information directly in the bot's window. Then, the bot can automatically make the appointment directly in ezyVet. As a result, it is not necessary for you to manually enter the appointment information in ezyVet’s calendar.

The Virtual Vet Nurse bot does a check to make sure that a person who enters information in the bot window is a client of your organization. To complete the check correctly, a person must enter their first name, last name, and email address. If one item of information is incorrect, the bot tells the person to correct the information and try again. If the person enters all information correctly, the bot knows that the person is a client of your organization. Then:
  1. The bot finds the applicable contact record and patient record in ezyVet
    Note: If ezyVet does not have an applicable record, the bot makes one in ezyVet.
  2. The bot gives the client the available appointment times in a period that you can configure (for example, a two-week period)
  3. The client uses the bot to select the appointment time that they want
  4. The bot makes the appointment directly in ezyVet

When a client uses the bot window to make an appointment, the window can show the client the available appointment times. To configure the appointment times that the bot window shows, you use a dedicated Virtual Vet Nurse booking app.

Virtual Vet Nurse surveys

You can use Virtual Vet Nurse to write surveys for your clients. An example of an applicable survey is a post-operation check. The Virtual Vet Nurse integration makes it easy to send a link to a survey directly from ezyVet to a client. To send a link, ezyVet can use an SMS message or an email with an applicable SMS template or email template. After a client completes a survey, the integration syncs it to the Communications tab of the applicable ezyVet contact record.

More information and customer support

For more information about Virtual Vet Nurse, refer to virtualvetnurse.co.nz.

If you have problems with speak to Virtual Vet Nurse customer support: